An Update on Gani

“If there is any hope, please stand with my son.”

When we met Johnathan in 2019, that was his plea for his son, Gani.

War had ravaged their village and the lost their entire family to the violence. And in the chaos of fleeing, they also lost each other. Once reunited in Uganda, Gani had scars all over his body, but refused to speak about what had happened - or about anything at all.

Johnathan came to Tutapona for help.

(Read Gani and Jonathan’s story here)

Recently, our staff had the pleasure of catching up with this amazing pair. The community surrounding them was supportive and excited that we were there to visit them, and we found Gani and Jonathan together, playing and game and enjoying each other’s company.

Gani and Jonathan in February, 2022

Nearly three years later, Gani is attending school and still loves writing and drawing. He’s close with his father, and spends his time at Jonathan’s side or with his best friend. Before receiving one-on-one intervention several years ago, he avoided others and rarely spoke, too anxious and afraid to go out. He now talks and plays games, rides a bicycle and does his chores - even cooking! He says:

“There are still challenges but now life is much better. Before every door seemed to be closed - it was like a nightmare.”

Jonathan attended our GROW program after arriving in Uganda feeling hopeless and helpless - and received individual support with Gani. He loves having his son back! “Life is not always easy, but we have each other!”. His flashbacks have faded, and he’s working and supporting his son.

“We have changed through the support that was given to us. I am hopeful that the future will be brighter.”

-Jonathan & Gani *

There are thousands of children just like Gani with stories that are yet to end with hope. Help Tutapona bring hope and emotional healing by donating today.

*Names have been changed to protect individuals and their families.