
My name is Bol and I have been in Uganda since 2015. I like this country because this country is peaceful. We had to leave South Sudan because of so much war, and fighting, and killing. My mother saved us when she put me and my two younger siblings on a truck carrying food, and it brought us to the reception center here.

I was five, and my siblings were three and one years old. I was the oldest, so I had to be responsible for the both of them. My mother is still in South Sudan. When I think of my mum, I miss her and feel very sad.

Now, I am in the Heroes Journey, and I’m enjoying it so much! I love the learning, and the games. The teachers in the program are both my favorites! We use the talking bottle, and we talk about our lives. I’ve learned to appreciate myself, and the way that I’m made.

I always remember the story of Emmanuel. He had hope. He was training, he worked so hard even though he only had 1 leg. He rode his bicycle very far because he had a goal. I made a goal too - I want to work had and accomplish things. I learned how to be grateful for the things in my life: my siblings and my mother. I wrote a letter with what I’m grateful for, and I shared it with my friend. He was happy!

I think that my life is better because the Heroes Journey is helping me so much.

Because of the generosity of people like you, children like Bol have learned how to be grateful, and how to work towards their futures. BUT there are thousands of people with stories that are yet to end with hope. Help Tutapona provide that hope and healing by donating today.

*Name has been changed to protect the individual and family.