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“My teacher gave us a hard problem, by mixing salt and sugar together. She asked, ‘How can we find the salt, now?’ Most of the class thought the situation was impossible, but I learned about hope and that by holding onto hope, we can find a solution. I went home and I didn’t become hopeless. I kept searching for an answer, and then the solution came to my mind. If you spread out the salt and sugar, you let the ants come and eat the sugar - that is how we will find the salt. Because of what I learned at the Heroes Journey, I now know there is always a way to get out of difficult problems. We should never say we can’t!”

- Janel, 10 years old, Kurdistan, Iraq.

Because of the generosity of people like you, children like Janel are equipped to overcome obstacles they may face and move forward with hope. BUT there are thousands of people with stories that are yet to end with hope. Help Tutapona bring hope and healing by donating today.

*Name has been changed to protect the individual and the family.