At Tutapona we believe in Evidence Based Practices.  This means not only ensuring that our programs are rooted in rigorously tested, professional, international mental health theories, but also ensuring that every program participant engages in a preliminary and post questionnaire.  Participant self-reports measure distress levels, as well as well-being, utilizing established mental health measurement tools including the Screen for Post-Traumatic Symptom Scale (SPTSS) or The Child PTSD Scale (CPSS), and the World Health Organization-5 Question Well-Being Index (WHO-5). 

Pre and Post testing help us to measure impact, and track the efficacy of our services.  Over 90% of graduates see a reduction in distress, as well as an increase in well-being at the conclusion of our programming. 

At times data reported will be below expected outcomes.  This allows for our teams to identify any gaps in our services delivery, explore outside factors in the community that are impacting our programs, and provide additional follow up to that community.